Online psychotherapy & coaching in English
Depending on your needs, I offer psychotherapy or coaching in German or in English. We can find out together what your needs are in an initial consultation. At the moment I work exclusively online, conveniently accessible from your home.

The basis of my work is cognitive behavioral therapy. Building on this, I integrate elements from various approaches that have been shown to be particularly effective in scientific studies, such as schema therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy.
Is psychotherapy also effective online?
Yes, scientific studies on the effectiveness of online treatment show similarly good effects as face-to-face treatment(e.g. Barak et al., 2008, Batastini et al., 2021).
How long does a session last?
An online session normally lasts 50 minutes. The duration can be adjusted according to individual agreement and requirements.
How do I get an appointment?
You can reach me via the contact form or contact me by phone during the day via +49 176 952 788 26. We will then arrange a 15-minute free introductory meeting in which I will explain the next steps.
Is therapy/counseling also offered on site?
No, I currently only offer online counseling and therapy. You can take part from the comfort of your own home using a video platform certified by the Kassenärztlichen Bundesvereinigung.
Please clarify in advance whether your insurance will cover the costs of online-only treatment.
How much are the fees?
I currently only work with self-pay patients and private patients. Patients with public health insurance (gesetzliche Krankenversicherung) can only receive therapy as self-payers. Due to the high organizational hurdles, I currently do not offer psychotherapy within the framework of cost reimbursement (Kostenerstattungsverfahren).
The fee is based on the scale of fees for psychotherapists (Gebührenordnung für Psychotherapeuten). Depending on the insurance contract, some private health insurances cover the costs in full or in part. In the latter case, a co-payment is required.
Please find out in advance which psychotherapeutic services are covered by your personal contract; it is best to speak to your private health insurance company. You can download a checklist of questions to ask when talking to your insurance company here.

Contact me
Privatpraxis für Psychologische Psychotherapie
Dr. Jonathan Schubert, Dipl.-Psych.
Psychologischer Psychotherapeut mit Fachkunde Verhaltenstherapie
+49 176 952 788 26
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